Chris - Author
31/08/2018 17:43
How are your SMA® PRO Toddler Milk conversations going?
Now you and your baby have started to form your own opinions on SMA® PRO Toddler Milk, you will likely be starting to tell your network all about the product. So why not let us know all about these conversations in a report?
Let us know who you’re talking to, what you speak about, and any other opinions that may emerge from these conversations, by clicking on the link below and leaving your conversation report.
Happy WoMming!
The Insiders team
Important notice
SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is suitable for young children from 1-3 years, as part of a healthy balanced diet and it is not a breast milk substitute. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible.
ZRI718a/04/18SMA® Nutrition Ireland